duminică, 13 februarie 2011

Three Colors: Red (1994)

Three Colors: Red Poster

Valentine is a young model living in Geneva. Because of a dog she ran over, she meets a retired judge who spies his neighbours' phone calls, not for money but to feed his cynicism. The film is the story of relationships between some human beings, Valentine and the judge, but also other people who may not be aware of the relationship they have with Valentine or/and the old judge. Redemption, forgiveness and compassion.
Genres:Drama, Mystery, Romance
Cast:Irène Jacob,Jean-Louis Trintignant,Frédérique Feder,Jean-Pierre Lorit,Samuel Le Bihan,Marion Stalens,Bernard Escalon,Teco Celio,Jean Schlegel,Paul Vermeulen,Elzbieta Jasinska,Jean-Marie Daunas,Brigitte Raul,Roland Carey,Leo Ramseyer.

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